
  • www.byteme.com– A Guide to Dental Care for Children with Autism: Children with autism are likely to suffer many more oral health problems, including tooth decay, gum disease and dental injury, than children without autism. Many autistic kids have sensory sensitivities that make it difficult to maintain an effective oral hygiene routine. These issues may also make visits to the dentist challenging.
  • www.autismspeaks.org-One of the leading autism science and advocacy organizations. Autism Speaks provides a comprehensive resource guide for all states. The site also boasts an impressive list of apps that parents may find useful, including games that focus on communication and social skills.
  • www.autism-society.org-Another great site that includes helpful resources for those with autism, family members, as well as professionals. Autism Society also gives updates on the latest autism news and press releases.
  • www.disabilityscoop.com– Sign up for Disability Scoop’s email news to receive the most current updates on developmental disabilities. Disability Scoop’s experts have been cited by multiple online news sites, including USA Today and People.com.
  • www.autism.com– The Autism Research Institute focuses on researching the causes of autism, as well as developing safe and effective treatments for those currently affected by the disorder
  • www.autismweb.com– Managed by parents, Autism Web includes great insights on different autism teaching methods. The site also provides a forum where parents can go to share their stories, give updates on their children’s progress, and share recipes that may be useful for picky eaters.
  • www.autismbeacon.com– Also started by the parent of a child with autism, Autism Beacon strives to supply the best resources for autism treatments. Autism Beacon presents a lengthy range of articles on autism, including sensitive topics such as bullying and sexuality.
  • www.autism.healingthresholds.com– Healing Thresholds includes information on many different therapy treatments for children with autism. The site focuses on the top 12 used by parents, but also includes useful information on nearly 100 additional therapies.
  • www.childbirthinjuries.com– Birth injuries are caused by physical harm or untreated illnesses around the time of birth. Treatment can help to manage long-term health effects and improve quality of life, but more severe injuries may leave babies with lifelong disabilities. If your doctor was negligent with their care during childbirth, it may be considered medical malpractice.
  • www.cerebralpalsyguide.com– Raising and caring for a child with cerebral palsy requires time, effort, empathy, and patience. Here is some information that can help make you a successful cerebral palsy caregiver.
  • www.nursinglicensemap.com– Medical visits can be stressful or intimidating for any child. They can be especially uncomfortable for young individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), who may experience adverse reactions to a change in their routine, overstimulation caused by an unfamiliar environment or other factors.